I'm nuts, no question. There will be ranting, some profanity.. feel free to join in, but be nice.. ish! This blog keeps me from lying in the fetal position in the closet clutching a stuffed unicorn... or something. Welcome, I apologize in advance, enjoy the ride!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Procrastinate much!?

OK, So it's been almost a year since I posted. Since no one reads my blog.. I know ya missed me! :-) What A year. I still can't seem to catch a break, but am trying. Two steps forward and five back at times. Trying to get my finances in order so I can start to plan my budgets instead of always reacting to my budgets. Trying to control my health so I can live and work and play without naps every hour, or pain. Trying to control my emotions so that I can live in harmony. Can't say I'm succeeding at any of it.. but trying! I am working full time again. which is a ying yang situation. On the plus side, I can't afford not to work so it's not an option not to.. On the negative side, at the end of the day, there is no energy left for me, or my family, or a social life.. if I had one.
My last date, I didn't know was a date. Went for a glass of wine with a friend. Truly a friend, have known him for 30 years. Apparently it was a seduction.  If I'd have known that, I would have showered, and shaved my legs, and put on deodorant. Scary! Sadly, that was well over a year ago.. I guess I have to go out and speak to people  in order to date. Not sure it's worth having to talk and be normal! I know! I need to invent a crazy recluse dating site! For, you know... crazy recluses!  We'd have social gatherings.. by webcam.. and make dates... online... and even meet.. at comicon!
Sometimes I think, I'm too old to date, I'm not beautiful, I'm not perfect. On the last date-that-I-didn"t-know-was-a-date, the guy asked me what I do to make guys cheat on me. That made me realize that maybe honesty, fidelity and actually TALKING are too old fashioned in the world of dating today.  Guys my age want 20 year olds, guys older than me... want 20 year olds.  At a stretch, they want 40 year olds who LOOK like 20 year olds.  All I want is someone who wants to be with me, isn't afraid to say it, and treats me like he actually cares. That seems to be too much to ask... I'll wait until this year's comicon!

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