I'm nuts, no question. There will be ranting, some profanity.. feel free to join in, but be nice.. ish! This blog keeps me from lying in the fetal position in the closet clutching a stuffed unicorn... or something. Welcome, I apologize in advance, enjoy the ride!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Alternate title - How I did dick all for 7 days.

Well, It's Saturday. I go back to work in 2 days. I did diddly squat on my vacation. Slept, puttered, slept. Was plagued with a headache for the past few days. Thinking either 1) my eyes -  I need new glasses, 2) My sinuses - the golden rod is in full bloom or 3) The stress I've been under is coming out, and I should really have another week off to allow for healing. Unfortunately, I think all may be a factor, and i can't take another week off!  Today I will try to cram in all the things I wanted to do, which wasn't really much. Clean out the front hall closet and get rid of all the shoes I can no longer wear, because I fall off of heels and bring all my canning upstairs so it may actually get used. The second one is the big job, as my laundry room is in full tetris mode, so to get from the canning, is an hour's worth of moving shit to get to the other shit to move. What i DID do, was clean and organize some things in my room, go to St. Jacobs market, set up my coffee maker again (joy!) and rest. I can't dismiss the importance of resting, because although people around me don't feel that I need it, when I don't rest enough, I feel it, I hurt, I damage things and I drag my health down. So fuck what others say, i'm resting!
This is a rambling post, man! But it's my blog, and i can do what I like! Right now, what i'd like... is another coffee!

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