I'm nuts, no question. There will be ranting, some profanity.. feel free to join in, but be nice.. ish! This blog keeps me from lying in the fetal position in the closet clutching a stuffed unicorn... or something. Welcome, I apologize in advance, enjoy the ride!

Monday, January 02, 2012

I don't THINK i'm a bitch!

I have a horrible habit of writing something, then deleting it in a passive aggressive way. Although I realize that an anonymous blog is just as passive aggressive... I have learned that some things are too funny/serious/frustrating/annoying to keep in without going nutso cuckoo.. and some things are not worth confrontations. so blogging it is! But the erasing thing.. I promised myself I would not do!! BUTTTTT (tee hee.. ass) I think I sounded bitchy in the last post (tee hee, I typed butchy.. we'll get into my issues with being a "lady" later!)

The holidays were not awful!! Oh holy schnikies, did we laugh!! No less then three spit takes, a hoark in a hat, a broken chair.. and some classic "Carlton" dancing! I think I almost peed from laughing (that's my story, and I'm sticking to it).

In closing, ladies and gentlemen.. (tee hee.. ladies and germs) I am not (always) a bitch. I am (sometimes) quite a happy and content person (troglodyte). I love and cherish (and plot horrible torture scenes for) my family, and am thankful (and frustrated) everyday to have them in my life (and not my anus).

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