I'm nuts, no question. There will be ranting, some profanity.. feel free to join in, but be nice.. ish! This blog keeps me from lying in the fetal position in the closet clutching a stuffed unicorn... or something. Welcome, I apologize in advance, enjoy the ride!

Friday, January 06, 2012

Old people dust

Tomorrow I am to attend the 90th birthday of a relative. By myself. Cause the rest of the house called "not it" before me, damn them. I love my aunt, and overall my family is cool.. but it's being held in a retirement village... so.. old people dust.  You know.. the dry, papery smell of rose or lavender.. the sandpaper and chalk sound of rustling ... stuff.  I shudder just thinking about it! The bad lipstick, aqua-net and scotch mint candies with the overall smell of Ben-Gay and mothballs, the rattling of cheap costume jewelery. Pretending to know who the hell is hugging me, and calling me by my sisters name. I have to be SOCIABLE!?! Talk about the weather, the game (?? baseball? football?.. the superworldseriesofhockymonton) pretend I know who Jennie is and that she had a baby.  And the worst of all... it will be me in far fewer years than I want to acknowledge! And my hemroids are acting up.

I think I'll start drinking now.....

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